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標題: ISO/TC 176/SC 2/N1284:ISO 9001:2015 版的風險為基思維 [打印本頁]

作者: hlperng    時間: 2016-2-23 09:52:54     標題: ISO/TC 176/SC 2/N1284:ISO 9001:2015 版的風險為基思維

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2019-10-4 19:07 編輯

Risk-Based Thinking in ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015 版的風險為基思維)

國際標準化組織 (ISO) 發行的 2015 年版的 ISO 9001:2015,其主要改版精神之一為以風險為基礎,採用互動式 (proative) 取代過去被動式 (reactive) 預防行動 (preventive action) 的管理概念,稱之為「風險為基思維」 (risk-based thinking)。

國際標準化組織第 176 技術委員會第 2 分技術委員會 (ISO/TC 176/SC 2) 在 2015 年間發行三份內容相同的通知文件 (ISO/TC 176/SC 2/N1222、N1269、及 N1284) 說明此一「風險為基思維」的意義,熟知其說明,將有助於組織的品質管理系統對於此一概念導入的理解,以及尋求 ISO 9001:2015 版外稽單位進行認證時,能夠順利通過改版認證。


1. Purpose of this paper 1. 本文之目的

2. What is risk-based thinking 2. 何謂風險為思維
One of the key changes in the 2015 revision of ISO 9001 is to establish a systematic approach to considering risk, rather than treating "prevention" as a separate component of a quality management system.
ISO 9001 2015 版主要變更之一為建立一套系統性方式來考量風險,而不是將「預防」當作品質管理系統的獨立元素。

Risk is inherenent in all aspects of a quality management system.  There are risks in all systems, processes and functions.  Risk-based thinking ensures these risks are identified, considered and controlled throughout the design and use of the quality management system.

In previous editions of ISO 9001, a clause on preventive actoin was separated from the whole.  By using risk-based thinking the consideration of risk is integral.  It becomes proactive rather than reactive in preventing or reducing undesired effects through early identification and action.  Preventive actioin is built-in when a management system is risk-based.  
過去 ISO 9001 的幾個版本中,預防行動條款從整體中分離開成為獨立的章節。應用風險為基思維,則是整體的考量風險議題。在透過對於風險項目的早期識別並採取行動,以預防或降低不必要效應的時候,是採取互動的方式、而不是被動的方式。當管理系統是風險為基時,預防行動是內建的項目。

Risk-based thinking is something we all do automatically in everyday life.  

Example:  If I wish to cross a road I look for traffic before I begin.  I will not step in front of a moving car.

Risk-based thinking has always been in ISO 9001 - this revision builds it into the whole management system.  
風險為基早就存在於 ISO 9001 之中,此次改版將之建構在整個管理系統之中。

In ISO 9001:2015 risk-based thining needs to be considered from the beginning and throughout the system, making preventive action inherent to planning, operation, analysis and evaluation activities.  在ISO 9001:2015 版,從開始到整個系統的過程,都必須考量風險為基思維,在規劃、運作、分析與評估的固有作業中採取預防行動。

Risk-based thinking is already part of the process approach.  

Not all the processes of a quality management system represent the same level of risk in terms of the organization's ability to meet its objectives.  Some need more careful and formal planning and controls than others.  

Example: To across the road I may go directly or I may use a nearby footbridge.  Which process I choose will be determined by considering the risks.  

Risk in commonly understood to have only negative consequences; however the effects of risk can be either negative or positive.  

In ISO 9001:2015 risks and opportunities are often cited together.  Opportunity is not the positive side of risk.  An opportunity is a set of circumstances which makes it possible to do something.  Taking or not taking an opportunity then presents different levels of risk.  
在 ISO 9001:2015 年版,風險與機會通常是相提並論,機會不一定是風險的正面意義。機會是執行某件事的所有可能狀況的集合體,把握或不把握機會存在著不同的風險水準。

Example:  Crossing the road directly gives me an opportunity to reach the other side quickly, but if I take the opportunity there is an increased risk of injury from moving cars.  

Risk-based thinking considers both the current situation and the possibilities for change.  

Analysis of this situation shows opportunities for improvement:

4. Where is risk addressed in ISO 9001:2015 4. ISO 9001:2015 版中強調風險之處為何
The concept of risk-based thinking is explained in the introduction of ISO 9001:2015 as an integral part of the process approach.  
在 ISO 9001:2015 版簡介解釋,風險為基思維的概念,是過程方式整體的一部分。

ISO 9001:2015 uses risk-based thinking in the following way:
ISO 9001:2015 版考量風險為基思維之處說明如下:

Introduction - the concept of risk-based thinking is explained.
簡介 - 解釋風險為基思維

Clause 4 - the organization is required to determine its QMS processes and to address it risks and opportunities
第 4 章:組織必須決定品質管理系統過程,並且說明其風險與機會。

Clause 5 - top management is require to
第 5 章:高層管理必須
Clause 6 - the organization is required to identify risks and opportunities related to QMS performance and take appropriate actions to address them
第 6 章:組織必須識別與品質管理系統性能有關的風險與機會,並採取處理這些項目適切的行動項目。

Clause 7 - the organization is required to determine and provide necessary resources (risk is implicit whenever "suitable" or "appropriate" is metioned)
第 7 章:組織必須決定與提供必要的資源(當條文提到「適用時」或「合適時」等字眼時,表示這些過程隱含著風險)

Clause 8 - the organization is required to manage its operational processes (risk is implicit whenever "suitable" or "appropriate" is mentioned)
第 8 章:組織必須管理其運作過程(當條文提到「適用時」或「合適時」等字眼時,表示這些過程隱含著風險)。

Clause 9 - the organization is required to monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate effectiveness of actions taken to address the risks and opportunities
第 9 章:組織必須監視、量測、分析與評估處理風險與機會所採取行動項目的有效性。

Clause 10 - the organization is required to correct, prevent or reduce undesired effects and improve the QMS and update risks and opportunities
第 10 章:組織必須改正、預防或降低不必要的效應,以及改進品質管理系統和更新其相對應的風險與機會。

5. Why use risk-based thinking? 5. 為何使用基於風險思維?
By considering risk throughout the system and all processes the likelihood of achieving stated objectives is improved, output is more consistent and customers can be confident that they will receive the expected product or service.

Risk-based thinking: (風險為基思維)

Successful companies intuitively incorporate risk-based thinking.  

6. How do I do it? 6. 我要如何作?
Use risk-based thinking in building your management system and processes.  

Identify what your risks are - it depends on context
識別自己的風險為何 - 它與情境有關

Example: If I cross a busy road with many fast-moving cars the risks are not the same as if the road is small with very few moving cars.  It is also necessary to consider such things as weather, visibility, personal mobility and specific personal objectives.  

Understand your risks 瞭解自己的風險
What is acceptable, what is unacceptable?  What advantages or disadvantages are there to one process over another?

Objective: I need to safely crosss a road to reach a meeting at a given time.

Reaching my goal more quickly must be balanced against the likelihood of injury.  It is more important that I reach my meeting uninjured than it is for me to reach my meeting on time.  

It may be ACCEPTABLE to delay arriving at the other side of the road by using a footbridge if the likelihood of being injured by crossing the road directly is high.  

I analyse the situation.  The footbridge is 200 metres away and will add time to my journey.  The weather is good, the visibility is good and I can see that the road does not have many cars at this time.  
我分析整個狀況,行人天橋在 200 公尺外,會增加行程所需時間。當時氣候不錯,視覺良好,可以清楚地知道馬路上車子不多。

I decide that walking directly across the road carries an acceptably low level of risk of injury and will help me reach my meeting on time.  

Plan actions to address the risks 規劃處理風險的行動項目

How can I avoid or eliminate the risk?  How can I mitigate risks?  

Example: I could eliminate risk of injury caused by being hit by a vehicle if I use the footbridge but I have already decided that the risk involved in crossing the road is acceptable.  

Now I plan how to reduce either the likelihood or the impact of injury.  I cannot reasonably expect to control the impact of a car hitting me.  I can reduce the probability of being hit by a car.  


I plan to cross at a time when there are no cars moving near me and so reduce the likelihood of an accident.  I also plan to cross the road at a place where I have good visibility.  


Implement the plan - take action 執行計畫 - 採取行動

I move to the side of the road, check there are no barriers to crossing.  I check there are no cars coming.  I continue to look for cars whilst crossing the road.  


Check the effectiveness of the action - does it work?  
檢查行動的有效性 - 是否有作用

I arrive at the other side of the road unharmed and on time: this plan worked and undesired effects have been avoided.

Learn from experience - improve
從經驗學習 - 改進

I repeat the plan over several days, at different times and in different weather conditions.  

This gives me data to understand that changing context (time, weather, quantity of cars) directly affects the effectiveness of the plan and increase the probability that I will not achieve my objectives (being on time and avoiding injury).  


Experience teaches me that crossing the road at certain times of day is very difficult because there are too many cars.  To limit the risk I receive and improve my process by using the footbridge at these times.  


I continue to analyse the effectiveness of the processes and revise them when the context changes.  


I also continue to consider innovative opportunities:

7. Conclusion
7. 結論
Risk-based thinking:

Other useful documents (其他有用的文件)


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